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We sell you BRAND NEW Youngevity Vitamins and Minerals at UNDER WHOLESALE, for your Glorious Health !
And, we'll make it easy. LIMITED TIME DISCOUNTS OF 20%-30%.
Also 10% off for Free Shipping, Plus ~10% off because we pay your sales tax. All of our Discounts are Cumulative!
And we award a 100% Forever Guarantee !
Safe website: httpS://DM1.SHOP, also known as: httpS://BTT20.COM and httpS://DM1.US
Made and Run in the USA entirely by Californians. No cookies here.
We're just "Putting a Dent in Disease"(tm)
Getting to Know Us
We TMO people believe in three Biblical, core, business principles:
(1) Never to hurt - anybody.
(2) No secrets - from anyone.
(3) Change all processes, never people - until work is fun.
Accordingly, we offer these to everyone:
(1) We pay shipping on everything.
(2) 100% Forever Guarantee on all we sell.
(3) Epitome Customer Service(tm). Even writing the book!
We're just a little duck, five of us in the same family, who've been in the Youngevity business since 1999, long before it was called Youngevity.
David, Carol, Christie, Robert, Andrew
We're honored to call Dr. Joel Wallach and his wife Dr. Ma Lan good friends.
David, during a full USAF pilot career, went to war twice, winning the Distinguished Flying Cross, etc., and retiring from SAC headquarters. While at SAC, his staff had been training all of SAC's air crewmen. One of his accomplishments at SAC was to introduce the command to small computers (PCs and Handhelds). Solo, he used AI and Recursion to solve the massive SAC Scheduling problem on a 64k PC, before 'Windows'. His Officers and Airmen developed the largest mainframe computer system to that date, early and under budget. Honored with the prestigeous Meritorious Service Medal, the eqivalent to the Bronze Star, he retired from the USAF to build businesses. In 1999, having been part of solving the national Y2K problem, he and his family moved to San Diego, founding this company (TMO). He has since become a prolific (77) novelist and author of business books and has been on the boards of several million-dollar companies, including churches.
Well, that's just a little about us. We want to get to know about you.
Please call or write and introduce yourself.