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Youngevity DM1 Ultimate EFA Plus 90

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Personal Review


Everyone "says" you need fish oil, but actually fish oil contains only some of the Omega 3, 6, and 9 Essential Fatty Acids we need for muscle and heart function. 


They're called Essential, because our bodies cannot make Omega 3 or Omega 6, and insufficient amounts of Omega 9.  Therefore, we Must consume them in our food.


We actually need Six Essential Fatty Acids, not three.  Namely:

  1. Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) found mostly in plants, for cardiovascular health and to combat inflammation.
  2. Linoleic Acid (LA) works with other Omega 3s for Brain function and normal Growth.
  3. Oleic Acid (OA) is an Omega 9 that has been linked to lower risk of coronary heart disease.
  4. Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) is an Omega 6 that may help reduce blood pressure and overall inflammation
  5. Eicosapentaonoic Acid (EPA) is needed by the body psysiologicy and to fight inflammation.
  6. Docosahexaenoic Acid, (DHA) is a mostly found in seafood and is part of every cell in the body.  It's about 90% of the Omega 3 found in the brain.


Fishes make insufficient amounts too, and they tend to stay near the shore where the waters are polluted.  Primarily, they absorb dangerous Mecrcury.  Deep waters contain few fish.


There's another problem.  The oils oxidize, and even if they're pure, they begin to oxidize as soon as you open that bottle and let air in.


The solution is:

1.  To only use fish caught sustainably in Deep waters far off shore.

2.  To pack their oil in nitrogen, excluding oxygen until consumed.

3.  To seal the oil in gelcaps to prevent oxygen contamination on the shelf.

4.  To include EFAs found in Borage, Flax, and Evening Primrose, to provide the the missing oils.


That's what Youngevity does.  They submit their sources and products to extremely stringent inspection and certification processes. 


A Doctor whom I know claims that Only Youngevity passes these inspections. He has made it his life's passion to be certain of that, checking about 200 other brands.


Folks, we NEED this product in our bodies, and I believe there's nothing else to approach it.


Also available as

Ultimate EFA not Plus and

Multi-EFA from plants only.  Smaller softgels.


Youngevity's Description:

Ultimate EFA Plus 90


When it comes to heart and brain health, Youngevity’s Ultimate EFA Plus offers a little bit of everything you need to succeed.


Our proprietary blend brings together six essential fatty acids from borage, flax, and fish oils for one potent, all-in-one supplement.


When incorporated with a healthy, balanced diet, these essential fatty acids can help support the body in many ways, especially regarding cardiovascular health.


Ultimate EFA Plus™ is part of our 90 For LifeTM Healthy Body System. 

Youngevity DM1 Ultimate EFA Plus 90

SKU: 20989
54,04$ Precio
44,99$Precio de oferta
  • Youngevity's Description:

    Ultimate EFA Plus brings together a proprietary blend of essential fatty acids from borage, flax, and fish oils. Used as part of a healthy diet, essential fatty acids may support the body in many ways, especially cardiovascular health.

    Who it’s for: anyone seeking a natural way to achieve good health, with a particular focus on the heart.   

    What it does: provides the right blend of essential fatty acids to promote overall good health, including targeted support for the heart.  

    What Sets This Product Apart? 

    An exclusive formulation of essential fatty acids, which are scientifically proven to help support cardiovascular health.  

    Main Products/Benefits 



    Alpha linolenic acid 

    Known to contain neuroprotective properties. 1 

    Omega fatty acid 

    May decrease triglycerides, lower blood pressure, decrease the risk of heart conditions, and reduce the occurrence of irregular heartbeats. 2 

    Oleic acid 

    A five-year study found it may cut the risk of a cardiovascular event by 48 percent. 3 

    Organic Flax Seed Oil 

    Contains abundant arginine and glutamine, which are important for maintaining a healthy heart. 4 

    DIRECTIONS: Take one soft gel three times a day or as directed by your healthcare professional. 

     WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing or taking medications, consult your healthcare professional before using this product. This product contains ingredients derived from Anchovy and/or Sardine and/or Pollock. 


    1 BioMed Research International, 2015 

    2 Mayo Clinic, 2019. 

    3 Journal BMC, 2014. 

    Gornik HL, Creager MA 

    4 J Arginine and endothelial and vascular health, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, 2004. 


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